Efficient power generaon is the pathway to a sustainable economic growth in Africa. De- Sadel is currently involved in innovave and global energy market experse. De-Sadel Group offers the broadest spectrum of future-ready technologies and, at the same me, will make a decisive contribuon to energy-efficient power generaon. Due to the demand for ever greater operang flexibility, energy efficiency and carbon dioxide reducon in power generaon, the worldwide demand for gas-fired power plants is growing at a breath-taking pace.
With its comprehensive gas turbine portfolio-based off-shore on platform at Calabar, De- Sadel Group is becoming one of Africa’s leading power generation companies. Gas turbines and combined-cycle power plants offer high reliability and availability, low investment costs, short construcon, installaon, and service mes, high energy savings and energy efficiency. This results in the advantage of the highest operaonal readiness and flexibility. De-Sadel shall be operang one of the most efficient and powerful gas turbine in the world.